By Wander LĂșcio Gomes. (PU4WLG)

This is the new DDS-STB 1.3!
All the power and fearures of the old one, but in a much smaller size! Only 195.00 plus shipping.
This is the new DDS-STB 2.4"!
All the power and fearures of the old one, but in a much nicer cabinet, and a lower price!
Only 225.00 plus shipping.
Back in the day, you would order an external VFO for your radio, maybe a Glenn, Siltronics or other brand.
Back then, you got exactly that, a VFO and nothing else. They worked ok, but dropped off signal at the outer limits, limited tuning range, needed a buffer amp on tube rigs...not to exciting, but it did the job.
Today when you order an external VFO-STB from you not only get a VFO with supurb stability, but an entire radio controller!
Just imagine, not only complete tuning range with no drop out, but spectrum scanning, channel scanning, channel mode, programmable scan lists and more!
The VFO-STB does it all and on virtually ANY radio!
Pll, Crystal or Tube type Ham or CB!
The DDS-STB is manufactued by hand, right here in the good old U.S.A!
Order now to get it fast!
STB Manual
Please allow 2-3 weeks after your order for assembley and testing.